Discovering us true love 1 by harper bentley epub

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After traveling the nation in her younger years as a military brat, having lived in Alaska, Washington State and California, she now resides in Oklahoma with her teenage daughter, two dogs and one cat, happily writing stories that she hopes her readers will enjoy. This is the first part of it. So the next school day when we were at recess on the playground Jag was on the big-kid side of the fence since he was a second grader and I was trapped in kindergarten-land , he came to the chain link fence that separated us and hollered out, El, come here!

Jag does not want to take things to the next level but Ellen is ready to give herself to Jag completely! I just knew Jag would love it. Prologue They say nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget. But as Ellen got older the attraction to him grew. Ellen has loved Jagger since she was five and he was seven when they kissed through the chain link fence at school. She's had their wedding planned since she was twelve and is ready for a happily ever after with him, but life just isn't that neat and tidy.

She kissed my forehead again then left my room as I drifted off. Dad had also wanted to contact the school about Mr. Mom, Dad and I had rushed frantically to the hospital when Jake had called.

Review Discovering Us True Love 1 DJVU by Harper Bentley - He kissed my forehead and left the room to go back to stay with and keep watch over his youngest son.

Ellen has loved Jagger since she was five and he was seven when they kissed through the chain link fence at school. Although they lost contact over the years, which broke her heart, during Jag's senior year in high school, sophomore Ellen catches his eye once again and their friendship is back on. When Jag is drafted to the Dodgers as the hot, new pitcher of the team, Ellen decides to go with him, transferring colleges and leaving her friends and family behind. This is the first book of the True Love Trilogy. Prologue They say nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget. Well, this They can bite me. But as it stands, my awesome retention of past happenings has played just too strong a role in my life leading me to some serious heartache. And I become a mess. See, Jagger Knox Jensen was already set up for stardom with a cooler-than-hell name his father had played lead guitar in a pretty famous rock band in the 70s and decided that any kids of his needed awesome names to go with the cool that came with, well, playing in a pretty famous rock band in the 70s. Then there was me, set on the path to the humdrums with my very plain, very average name. Um, thanks again, Mom, for naming me after that Ripley chick in those Alien movies. My name is Ellen Love. Insert look of disgust here. Anyway, growing up, Jag and I lived on the same block in a suburb just outside of Chicago. I was a certified tomboy having three older brothers I really had no other choice , and since Jag and I were the only kids around the same age in our neighborhood, we played together almost every day for years. The entwinement of our lives was fated from the moment the ice cream truck slowly meandered its way through the neighborhood, and as we both eagerly licked on our Spiderman pops, we realized we were the only kids our age in the area. And thus our story began. This is the first part of it. Chapter 1 I was five when I first kissed Jag. How freaking cool was that? So the next school day when we were at recess on the playground Jag was on the big-kid side of the fence since he was a second grader and I was trapped in kindergarten-land , he came to the chain link fence that separated us and hollered out, El, come here! Then he stuck his lips through the links all pursed and ready to be smacked. Without a second thought, I leaned in and landed a big one on him. Chapter 2 I was ten when I fell in love with Jag. Um, who knew pizza meant that much to the kid? I dropped back down into my bus seat stunned, while my best friend Rebecca Stark who sat with me freaked out as she dug to find a tissue in her bag as the blood from my nose continued to drip onto my Ace of Base yeah, I know t-shirt. We watched as Kyle proceeded to dig diligently through my bag, haphazardly tossing everything out into the aisle. That was until he suddenly went flying, landing face first on the bus floor with a loud Oomph! After Jag jerked Kyle up off the floor by his shirt collar—the kid was now snot bawling which almost made me feel sorry for him… almost—Jag made him pick everything up and put it back in my bag, hand it back to me nicely, and apologize. All I could do was nod at him in admiration then he went to the back of the bus to sit with his buddies once again. Rebecca looked at me, her brown eyes huge. That was awesome, she whispered. Yeah, I said all nasally, holding the tissue to my nose. Mom was going to kill me for getting blood on my shirt. With my three older brothers practically rolling in dirt all day long, the woman literally had a black belt in cleaning, so her eyes would probably glaze over in lust at the opportunity of scrubbing my shirt into submission, getting it back to looking like new. And a great, big YEOWWCH on that one. When I got home, I looked in the mirror and let out a groan when I saw two black eyes glaring back at me like two multicolored beacons of pain behind the bandage that covered my nose. But my brothers had thought I was The Shit, which garnered them a dirty look from Mom, and their approval through giving me soft arm punches made me happy, so it was all good. Dad had also wanted to contact the school about Mr. Abernathy, the bus driver, but I talked him out of it. A had felt horrible and had apologized about a kabillion times to me for not stopping and taking care of things. The best part of the whole situation? Chapter 3 I was still ten when I knew I was going to marry Jag. That summer, my brother Robbie had just turned sixteen. The next weekend he and my other brothers Mike and Jake—Mom was at least consistent in her love for plain names—who were seventeen and nineteen, respectively, had been at the lake, and I mean, THE lake, Lake Michigan, with a bunch of friends. Mom, Dad and I had rushed frantically to the hospital when Jake had called. By the time we got there, Robbie was already in surgery for a ruptured spleen. I was horrified watching my family this way. I looked down to where we were connected just staring for the longest time, not able to tell which fingers were whose after a bit. When I finally looked up, Jag just smiled softly and gave me a little nod. And that was when I knew. I knew I was going to marry Jagger Knox Jensen. We stayed that way for a long time with neither of us speaking. The relief was palpable in the room and different kinds of tears flowed then as everybody hugged. Thank you, I whispered to Jag through my tears as I looked into his startling blue eyes. He squeezed my hand in answer then continued sitting beside me for what seemed like hours, both of us still silent. The next thing I remembered was being put into my bed by my dad. You go back to sleep. Mom will be here with you. He kissed my forehead and left the room to go back to stay with and keep watch over his youngest son. I was still awake when Mom came in to check on me. She tucked my soft comforter under my chin. How did Jag get there? His parents came as soon as they heard. When they were leaving, Jag refused to leave you. He never left your side, she said with a smile, sweeping the hair back off my forehead as she bent to kiss me there. Yes, he certainly is. She kissed my forehead again then left my room as I drifted off. Jag was there the next morning when I came downstairs for breakfast, checking to make sure I was okay. He stayed and played video games with me to keep my mind off things, I figured out later, then went with us to the hospital to see Robbie. That was the scariest time in my life up to that point, but Jag was there throughout it all. Chapter 4 I was eleven when Jag broke my heart for the first time. Jag said in admiration, turning the page back in the magazine he was looking at and shoving it in my face, showing it to me. We were sitting on the front steps of my house drinking root beer floats, our favorite, and taking a break from skating. He had an infinite amount of patience when it came to teaching me board tricks. Well, if you tuned out his yelling at me to stop being such a girl and do it right. On the day of his party, I was so excited to give him his present I could hardly stand it. I just knew Jag would love it.

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